Bluegrass Bash 2024


The Kentucky tracks will be holding All-American Soap Box Derby rally races for the upcoming two weekends in October (Madisonville and Bowling Green) and one in November (Owensboro).  This is a great chance to qualify for next year’s World Championships and to participate in the 4rd annual Bluegrass Bash.  There is no charge to enter the Bluegrass Bash.  Its purpose is to provide another element of fun while racing.

  The Bluegrass Bash is a contest within a race on Kentucky tracks only for recognition of any racers competing in the three (3) weekend fall races at the Kentucky tracks at the “Pumpkin Roll”, “Goblin Asphalt “, and “Green Bean Casseroll”, 2024.  It is an accumulation of points from the best eight (8) finishes. Should there be a tie, the racer with the most 1st place finishes will be the tiebreaker. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place recipients in each division will be recognized on Sunday, November 3, 2024, at the Owensboro rally race.

QUALIFY:  We are going to take the best of EIGHT (8) finishes received during the Kentucky races weekends in October and November.  To qualify, you have to run at least one race day (one double and one single) at each Kentucky track during October and November. If you run all (12) races, you will increase your chances for better finishes and you will receive an extra (5) points. There will still be other opportunities to receive additional bonus points along with your finishes plus a t-shirt if you race the minimum of one double and one single at each of the 2024 Kentucky fall race weekends during October and November.

POINTS:  The Bluegrass Bash point system will be 20 points for a first place finish with 2 point increments down to 8th place being 6 points.  Any finish below 8th place, the racer will obtain 4 points.  Each racer will obtain points based on finishes plus (for example), bonus heats, team heat match ups, etc.  Each track may offer different opportunities to extra obtain points.  For instance, at the “Green Bean Casseroll”, if you bring a canned good or $5.00 to donate to a charity, you will receive an extra (3) bonus points.  The points will be totaled per track and presented to the race director for the next race.

 AWARDS:  On November 3, 2024, the racers in each division with the most points after racing a minimum (8) races will be receiving the Bluegrass Bash trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and a t-shirt to the Bluegrass Bash participants.  Those Bluegrass Bash racers’ parents can order a t-shirt for a cost of $ 10.00.